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  • Writer's pictureGil Zepeda

The Molina Cares Charitable Foundation Donates Time and Funds to Farm Share

The Molina Cares Charitable Foundation has been sponsoring Farm Share and our mission for over 8 years. They have donated toward our Hurricane Ian Relief fund and they have sent their volunteers to help us in the SW Florida coast and here in Miami in order to take food, blankets and goods to hurricane affected areas. IN addition to their latest $100,000.00 donation to hurricane relief, they have really helped us out by putting boots on the ground with Team Farm Share!

Farm Share works closely with Florida’s agricultural community and community partners and food agencies in order to perform our mission. Due to our strong ties within these groups, we have been able to distribute hundreds of millions of pounds of food to people in need. We are a group of dedicated and passionate individuals who care about making sure that food insecurity is obliterated in Florida. We do everything possible to make sure that if someone is in need of food, that they are able to receive it FREE of charge. Farm Share prides itself on not ever charging fees for our services or for the food we deliver.

As one can imagine, picking up and redistributing hundreds of millions of pounds of food a year takes fuel, labor, materials and infrastructure like warehouses and trucks. Since we do everything for free we must depend on donations of food and monetary donations in order to operate every day. At the same time, supply chain issues have made access to food difficult and monetary donations have also slowed considerably while operating costs have soared. If additional monetary sources are not found to offset the ever increasing operational costs of labor, gas, utilities, rent and truck maintenance, Farm Share will be forced to cut services at time when food insecurity is still running at record levels.

There are 4.2 million Floridians under food insecurity including 1 million children under the age of 15.The majority of these food insecure Floridians are blue collar workers such as teachers, nurses, small business owners and hospitality industry employees. We need your help in order to continue to serve them!

Farm Share is grateful for the work and the support that Molina Cares puts into our community and their willingness to help Florida recover!

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